
About the AFC

The AFC is a US industry committee comprised of major and regional commercial aircraft operators, service providers and aviation associations. Since 1929, the AFC’s primary role has been to formulate policies and recommendations relating to the allocation, assignment and efficient use of the VHF and HF Aeronautical Enroute Spectrum (AES). The broad membership has more recently enabled the gathering of representative views across aviation operators to coordinate action on all commercial aviation spectrum. This has turned the AFC into the focal point for all commercial aviation spectrum matters in the US.

The committee is sponsored by ASRI to ensure it gathers all views on the spectrum topics discussed above, and then coordinate appropriate action. The AFC’s consensus based approach allows its views to be taken by ASRI to the relevant domestic and international regulators to ensure US commercial aviation maintains a voice in these matters.

The AFC meets formally three times a year around the US, while coordinating offline on current topics as they develop.

Membership of the AFC is free on a voluntary basis subject to approval by the current AFC membership. Any new membership nominations are then recommended to the ASRI Board of Directors for formal confirmation.

AFC, 180 Admiral Cochrane Dr, Suite 300 Annapolis, MD 21401   |   Website: www.us-afc.org